Monday, August 3, 2020

Write To Kill - Book To Movie Project On Indiegogo....


From £1/$1 you can, by clicking Indiegogo and supporting this EXCITING project.....

The cast and crew on IMDb and Slated 

BRAND NEW EDITION of Write To Kill is available as ONE BOOK of 15oK words and OVER 550 pages on Amazon  


Write To Kill

Write To Survive 

Write To Live 

On Amazon In The UK

Apologies To Richard Osman 

Maurice Vaughan


Book Reviews

"Write To Kill"


EYEING the blurry headlights in the rear-view mirror, I caught my eye and glanced at the person staring back.
I didn’t recognise myself.
Or what I imagined I was about to become. 
As I drove on the M40, a shade after eleven on a miserable, wet Saturday evening in November, a number of cars, one straight up my backside, creating spray from the saturated tarmac, were flashing me to get out of their way, even though my right foot was pressed hard, flat out on the metal, hitting seventy. Which is an accomplishment for my ageing car, believe me.
The downpour that had been rhythmically drumming on my windscreen most of the journey, temporarily making driving treacherous, due to only one functioning windscreen wiper, had finally stopped lashing it down. Some moron, probably pissed after a night out a few days ago had completely ripped off the passenger side wiper when my car was parked close to the building where I live but luckily, if you can call it that, had left the driver’s in place, otherwise I'd have been well and truly fucked and unable to go to my ‘so called’ business meeting tonight.
You may be thinking why on earth am I going to a meeting on a Saturday night, especially having left a warm bed with an exceptionally beautiful girl under the duvet, but this was not like any other meeting, I can assure you of that. There was no office, no board room, or even colleagues. It was going to be just the two of us, in a dilapidated warehouse, in a deserted place, in the middle of nowhere, on a day and at a time that suited him. 


TAKING a long final pull of a cigarette until there was no more to smoke, I flicked the butt through the small gap I’d left open at the top of the window, out into the chill wet darkness. But as quick as the remaining ash hit the outside world, it flew back in and over my black T-shirt. Dusting the ash into my top rather than off it, I shifted from third to fourth gear.
The thought of what I'd agreed to do accelerated in my mind as I veered from the inside lane, over the other two and exited at junction two. Taking a narrow lane, a mile down the road, I lit another cigarette, the last of the pack, and threw the empty packet onto the passenger side floor, to join the many others that had made their home there.
This was my fifth in the hour since I’d left my flat, with an attractive brunette asleep in my bed. I really must give up these damn things. No, not the brunette, I'm not that stupid. Or am I? The fags. I’ve been saying that for months though, maybe a year, I just can’t kill the habit, even though I know that one day, they could eventually kill me.
I was nervous. Very nervous. Why? Because in a few minutes, in the building that I was approaching, in this isolated area in Buckinghamshire, I would be meeting him.


TURNING off the country lane in total darkness, with just my headlights as a guide, I took a right, then a left, which led into an uneven forecourt, full of potholes and puddles, and pulled up outside the deserted derelict building. How I managed to find this place from the directions I’d been given was a miracle, especially with only a half moon for light, and the fact that I don’t have a sat nav as my car is it’s an antique. It even has a cassette player, that’s how ancient it is. But it does have electric windows and, my pride and joy, pop-up lights. Also, being stuck out in the countryside, I had no signal on my phone to get Google maps or any other map app. It was dark, with not a light in sight and as I checked the time on my mobile it beeped as I did so, indicating that I had only eight percent of juice left.
Why didn’t I charge it before I left home?
Arriving ten minutes early, which is a feat for me, as people have said that I'll be late for my own funeral, hopefully this won’t be it, I lit another cigarette, with the remains of the cigarette I was smoking. Keeping my headlights on full beam, I followed the stream of light that captured the deepening evening mist and hesitantly made my way inside the shell of the warehouse.
As I stepped in, with the luminosity of the moon my only light, I disturbed a kit of pigeons that were pecking at the soggy floor. They cocked their heads in my direction, their beady eyes staring at me, then flew off in different directions to the highest point of the roof, leaving their white and brown excrement all over the grey coloured concrete.
I trod carefully so as not to step into the mass of bird crap as I observed the vast vacant, fragmented construction, made of corrugated metal, with gaps in the roof giving the pigeons the freedom to fly in and out at their leisure. I checked my phone, now with just seven percent juice left and only five minutes to our meeting. Five minutes until he arrives. That’s if he’s punctual. Again, I began to wonder what the hell was I doing? Why was I doing this? Why am I here? I whispered those questions, out loud, to no one, but me, as I waited patiently but nervously in this tin hub of a desperate building.
These were the same questions that had been going over and over in my head since I’d left my flat, after making passionate love to that girl, Lisa, the petite, grass green-eyed brunette beneath the duvet, over an hour earlier.
That’s why I didn’t charge my phone.
The same girl who I'd been seeing for the past few months, which is the longest relationship I’ve been in for three years. All the others within that time, and there have been quite a few, only lasted the night. Lisa and I met at a friend of a friend's party in Clerkenwell. She's a nurse, seven years younger than me, lives in North West London, not far from me, a couple of miles or so, where she shares a flat with four friends, all colleagues at The Royal Free in Hampstead. She stays over at mine at the weekends and sometimes during the week. I assume so she can get away from talking shop twenty-four seven. We hit it off straight away, it was like fate really, unlike what I'm about to do, but she knows nothing of what I am getting myself into. She knows nothing of this darker side of me. Come to think of it, I knew nothing of this darker side of me. All she knows, is that I’m a struggling first-time author, and I mean struggling, not with writer’s block, well maybe, but financially.
My bank account was way, way over its overdraft, in fact, it was on the brink of being frozen. The rent on my flat was four months late, and trust me, it isn’t cheap. I hadn’t paid a single utility bill for months or my council tax, and to top it all off, along with the bailiffs on my case, I had menacing loan sharks circling and banging on my door every other day, wanting to break my legs, unless I paid them what I owed, with huge interest. You see, my mountain of debt began when I lost my job as office manager for an estate agency six months ago, a month after I moved into this flat. They closed the branch without any warning at all and since then I’ve struggled to find another job. Believe me, I’ve tried. So, while I’ve been looking, I’ve been trying to fulfil a lifelong dream, which is to write a book and become a bestselling author. I’ve written a few short stories before but I’ve always wanted to write a novel.
But I was a long way off becoming a bestselling author and signing copies at Waterstones. Turns out that writing a bestselling novel is much harder than you might think. I'd written nothing, maybe a thousand words of nothing, that’s all, then not another word, not even a letter. I have what author’s call writer’s block, like I said. I was way behind where I wanted to be with my first draft. My editor, well, I say my editor. My mate who has lived in London for a number of years, had some time ago emailed his mum, who lives in New York, a short story of mine. His mum, a semi-retired editor, who used to edit many books for a number of top USA Today bestselling authors, was so impressed with my writing and one of my short stories, that she encouraged me to write that first novel. I couldn’t turn down this opportunity and thankfully last month, she agreed to be my editor, on the understanding that firstly, the book will be written within three months, as she has another project scheduled for the beginning of next year, no pressure there then, and secondly, I will pay her a fee once the book is published, and the royalties start to roll in.  
Whenever that will be. If it ever happens.
She is very sweet, reminds me of my mum. God bless her.
So, every couple of days my editor sends me an email asking when the first couple of chapters will be available for editing. Every reply I return says the same thing. In a few days. But will I ever get this book finished or even properly started? Of course, it’s my dream like I’ve said, but with my plummeting financial situation, not only did I need money to pay thousands to get people off my back, I needed money just to live day to day, and having none and pretending I had to Lisa, completely threw me from my writing.
My money worries played on my mind but I still don't know why I’d agreed to do what I’m about to do. Well I do. The dough. But I couldn’t back out now, even if I wanted to, and believe me, I did. I’d given my word and he’s not the kind of man you back down to. No way. Once you’ve given your word, you keep to your word. Or you’ll face the consequences. And I didn't want to face mine. 
You see, with him, once you’ve shaken hands, you’ve shaken hands.
Otherwise you won't have a hand to shake.
Get my drift.

Illustration by Abi Tucker of the Author MC and Mad Dog in 
the opening scene in a dilapidated warehouse in 
"Write To Kill" 

Another Illustration by Abi Tucker of the Author MC kneeling beside his victim on a London street in 
"Write To Kill"

Currently writing book FOUR in the series!


  1. I follow David on his blog and love his books, especially Wrong Place Wrong Time, can't wait for the movie, is adventure to America in Five Weeks and his first book in his crime fiction, Write To Kill. I have just read the three chapters of book two, Write To Survive and I loved it. I have been eagerly waiting for the follow up and have pre- ordered this book.

    1. Thank you for your kind comments. Write To Survive will be available at the end of this month, September. I'm very pleased you enjoy reading my books.


  2. What an incredible read! It should definitely win the best book prize of the year! Such a super thrilling crime story with many twist and turns which takes my breath away and gives me shivers...David is a superstar author who has a unique way of writing and keeps surprising me with his new books! I love it so much and can’t wait to read a full book of “Write to survive” and the last part of the trilogy “ Write to live”! I hope it will be a crime TV series too!

    1. Wow, thank you. What amazing comments, I don't know about best book prize of the year but you made me smile. Fingers crossed this series will become a TV series.

  3. I've finished reading Write To Kill last night and absolutely LOVED it, and spotted the authors tweet about Write To Survive and had to nip over to read the first 3 chapters, and wow. Left off where the first book ended. Brilliantly written. Love the dialogue. You can sense what is happening as you read, just like you are with the main character and Lisa. I have just pre-ordered. Like the other comments say, this has to be a TV series. I can picture it!

    1. Hi James, thanks for taking time to comment and reading my crime fiction series, pleased you enjoyed them. Yes, many would like to see a TV series, I'm working on it. Cheers, David.

  4. Okay, that's it, David is now my favorite crime fiction author. Yes, sounds crazy, but I just love the way this author writes, no fluffing, just fast paced action. So enjoyed Write To Kill, and after reading these chapters, have pre-ordered this one. Well done sir!

    1. Steven, what can I say, but thank you. Favorite crime fiction author, I'm honored. Hope you enjoy Write To Survive as much as Write To Kill. I'm currently writing the third and final installment of the series.

  5. Stumbled across this author from twitter about his new book, so went to check this out, and loved these three chapters. I've now downloaded the first book Write To Kill, pre-ordered Write To Survive as this crime fiction is right up my street.

    1. Mark, I'm pleased these books are up your street, thanks for your kind comment.

  6. David, David, David, I hate you, well I don't, I love you and your writing. I've followed you all the way from Australia, read your first book, in fact all of your books. And now I love your fiction books. Thank you for making me read again.

    1. Emma, Emma, Emma, I love you for commenting and chuffed with your review, thank you. Stay safe in Australia and I'm pleased I got you back reading again. Best wishes, David.

  7. Finished Write To Kill, which I LOVED last week and read the first three chapters last night of Write To Survive. Just have to say, they are superb. Love the plot of an author, committing a crime and writing a book about it. I can see this series as a TV series. I hope so anyway. Can't wait to read the third and final book in this series. Thank you David.

    1. Hi Janet, I'm so pleased you loved the chapters and Write To Kill and fingers crossed, how good would it be if a TV series. Best wishes, David

  8. David, as you know, I loved Write To Kill and can't wait to read Write To Survive in full. I've read the above three chapters and it's just as good, no great. If this isn't a TV series, I'll get my hat!

    1. Hi John, thank you for all your support for these books and for being a producer for Wrong Place Wrong Time! Exciting times ahead.

  9. I follow David on twitter and have read a number of his books, including Write To Kill, which I enjoyed immensely. The writing style pulled me in and the plot is original, which I loved. Reading the three chapters in the next installment has me excited for Write To Survive, so much that I've pre-ordered. Can't wait ti read it!

    1. Hi Richard, thank you for reading my books and for pre-ordering Write To Survive which is released at the end of this month. Cheers, David.

  10. WOW! After reading these three chapters, I have just bought Write To Kill, pre-ordered Write To Survive and bought Wrong Place Wrong Time. I now have my holiday reading sorted.

    1. Enjoy your holiday, enjoy reading and keep safe. Thank you.

  11. Oh yes, my next crime fiction binge, plus as I live in West Hampstead, it will be like I'm in the story!

    1. Indeed Rachel, West End Lane is the place with the main character has his flat. I'm sure you will know some of the roads mentions. Hope you enjoy the books.

  12. Hi David, it's Mary Anne from Washington. Read the first three chapters and loved it so much. I was in London last year and visited the Tower of London, so you bought back many lovely memories for me. I have pre-ordered the book and also got Write To Kill. I also bought the paperback of Wrong Place Wrong Time for my hubby who loves a true story. I am now a huge fan of you and your writing! God bless.

    1. Hi Mary Anne in Washington. What can I say, pleased you enjoy the Tower of London and the books. Also, thank you for ordering Wrong Place Wrong Time which is becoming a movie. Hope your hubby likes it. Take care and thank you, David.

  13. I read Write To Kill over the weekend on my kindle, sunbathing. Brilliant plot. Then I read these three chapters last night in bed as I could sleep as it was too hot. Again brilliant. Now have pre-ordered Write To Survive and can't wait to get back onto the ride. Great writing David!

    1. Jane, pleased you had nice weather to read and also it has been too hot. I hope you enjoy the ride when Write To Survive is released at the end of the month. Best wishes, David.

  14. Mr Perlmutter, I was recommended to read Wrong Place Wrong Time, which I did in two days, a heart stopping book and congrats on the movie. I also downloaded Write To Kill, as crime fiction is my number one read, and I loved it. The plot is something I haven't read before. I also read the three chapters and I'm hooked. I can't wait to see how the plot unfolds between the main character and Jennifer, even though I'm sure Lisa will have her say. See, I'm involved.

    1. Hey Jackie, it's always a huge compliment to be recommended, and pleased you enjoyed Wrong Place Wrong Time. Lisa and Jennifer, well, I'm not going to say, but just think fireworks. Thank you for taking time to comment. Best wishes, David

  15. Like many who have commented, I have also read Write To Kill, which I enjoyed so much and now have read the three chapters of book 2, and can't wait to read in full. Have ordered. Plus, yes a TV series is a must!

    1. Tony, thank you and yes, a TV series would be a dream. Enjoy Write To Survive when it's released at the end of the month.

  16. After reading the first 3 chapters, this is going to be a great follow up from the first book. Have pre-ordered. Also, as my wife told me, after she read Write To Kill, these books would make a right cracking TV show.

    1. Keith, you have a great wife......Fingers crossed the books will be optioned for a TV series. Thanks for pre-ordering Write To Survive.

  17. Wow! Hi David, I saw your tweet about your books and was intrigued by the titles. I am impressed with how well the three chapters flow and of course causes questions. I have not read the first so there are a lot of questions but these three chapters were a good read. You can feel the electricity in the air between your MC and his girlfriend, Lisa, throughout all three chapters. Definitely a good read and I might have to pick up a copy of the first one. Great titles too.

    1. Hi Lacey, thanks for your comments about the three chapters, the flow and questions which may be raised and yes, the MC and Lisa do live through it, as you will also read if you check out the first book, Write To Kill. The third and final book is titled Write To Live. Let me know if you've or going to read the first book. Best wishes, David.

  18. Hi David, following your tweet to win signed copies of your books, I have read the first three chapters and I am hooked. I love the chemistry between the main character and Lisa, and that's only after reading these chapters. I haven't read the first book but I hope I win. If not I will buy. Also, I have read the comments on here about the books becoming a TV show. From the description of the character for Jennifer, I would say Poppy Delevingne would be great. Best of luck!

    1. Hi Joanna, I'm so pleased that the chemistry does come across in words, they do live through it, believe me, especially in book two. Also, you're not the only one who has mentioned Poppy, which I would be honored if she played the beautiful Jennifer. Best wishes, David.

  19. I WANT TO WIN THESE BOOKS. I have read Write To Kill on my kindle, which I loved, and the three chapters above have me wanting more. I love the MC and Lisa's relationship. I hope I win. Thank you David. Mary from Canada!

    1. Hello Mary from Canada, the competition is still active, but good luck anyway. You're not the only one who has mentioned the relationship between the MC and Lisa. I am pleased that this comes across in the book. Thank you and best wishes, David.

  20. I've just come across from facebook as seen your tweet about the competition. I've haven't heard of these books before but reading the chapters, this is my sort of read. I have just downloaded this one and also Write To Kill. Thank you!

    1. Hi Sarah, thank you and I hope you enjoy the books.

  21. David, I have a very far and wide genre for reading and watching TV shows. I adore period drama's and most recently devoured Sanditon. I also love reading dark fiction, and I have recently read your the first in your crime fiction series Write To Kill, which is to me a unique plot. I have also just read the first 3 chapters of book 2, Write To Survive which is just as enjoyable. I can't wait to read the whole book and the third and final installment. I am going to jump on the band wagon and put my two pennies in, your fiction series has to be a TV series. It has to be, I can just see it, and you know what, having read the characterizes and seeing your other blog post outlining the character details, I am going in a different direction. Yes, I know fans of your book want Daisy Edgar Jones and Holliday Grainger want to play Lisa, but Lisa is 5'5, dark hair and I would go to Sanditon's very own Rose Williams. She would be perfect. Thanks David for writing a fiction that is very different from others. Hope to see this on TV soon with Rose as Lisa.

    1. Hi Emily, thank you for your very kind comment. I must say I love Sanditon and in fact went to the first exclusive showing of the first episode. I do quite a bit of marketing to get a second season and you can read a couple of posts about Sanditon on here. Also, I adore Rose Williams and would be absolutely over the moon if she played the Lisa role. Thank you for reading and best wishes, David.

  22. David, these three chapters made my buy the first book Write To Kill and have pre-ordered Write To Survive. Love this plot about a author who kills and writes a book about it. Brilliant! Well done.

    1. Hi Karen, I'm so happy that the chapters made you buy the first and pre-order the second book, I'll take that as a compliment. Thank you, best wishes, David.

  23. Just polished off Write To Kill and also the three chapters above. Must say, the writing style is different to what I've read before, as in a crime fiction in as a first narrative. I really enjoyed this and look forward to the full book of Write To Survive and the third. And yes, I can see a TV series, hope there is one.

    1. Russell, nothing would make me prouder than having a TV series made of my fiction series, thank you for your kind words. Best wishes, David.

  24. Finished Write To Kill last night. Loved it. Can't wait for book two and three. Plus, I agree with the many others, it would make a great TV series. Have also just ordered the paperback of Wrong Place Wrong Time as I have heard so much about this book and movie to be.

    1. Wow, to hear that you've heard so much about Wrong Place Wrong Time has bought a huge smile to my face this morning. I hope you enjoy all the books! Best wishes, David.

  25. I was lucky enough to have read both #WriteToKill and #WriteToSurvive in full, not just the first three chapters. I am one of the lucky ones. I have seen the suggestions from fans of David and the book who they want to play the MC, Lisa and Jennifer, but for me, Madeline, the mother of Jennifer and wife of Mad Dog, there are two actresses that as I read the scenes, especially the final scene in book two, would be perfect to play her. Sarah Parish or Michelle Collins. I can see them. Looking forward to reading the third and final instalment which I understand is set in New York. Congrats on a unique plot and thrilling crime fiction series.

    1. Hi Simon, thanks for reading the full book of Write To Survive and you are spot on about either Michelle Collins or Sarah Paris to play Madeline, they would so a great job. Thanks for your kind comments. Best wishes, David.

  26. WOW! David has done it again! I loved Write To Kill, the writing which as I read, I felt like I was the main character. I love the other characters and the relationship between the MC and Lisa. As an author myself, I think the story is unique and thrilling. As many others have stated, I can see a TV Series from these books and as many have suggested actors for the roles, I agree with some of the suggestions, but as Madeline, the mother of Jennifer, I can in fact see Harriet Thorpe or Frances Barber playing her. Can't wait to read Write To Survive in full! And I hope it's a TV series!

    1. Hey Vera, I love the suggestions for the role of Madeline. I am so chuffed that many have suggested actors for the roles of my fictional characters. Also, thank you for your kind comments about the style of the book. Best wishes, David.

  27. I loved the interaction between the main character and his girlfriend Lisa in the three chapters and that has prompted me to buy the paperback of the first book Write To Kill. Looking forward reading this excellent crime fiction series.

    1. Hi Ian, to hear how readers love the interaction and chemistry between the MC and Lisa, makes all the hard work and late nights, early morning of writing all worth it. Thank you for your kind words. Best wishes, David.

  28. Been following the author on twitter for sometime and seen his tweets and other's about his crime fiction series. Having just read the chapters, which I loved, I've pre-ordered Write To Survive and just downloaded Write To Kill. This is my sort of read.

    1. Thank you and I'm so pleased my books are your type of read. Best wishes, David.

  29. I came across your blog via your tweet about Sanditon and spotted someone mentioned Rose William for the role of the leading lady Lisa in your crime fiction series, if it became a TV series. I have read Write To Kill and the three chapters of book two Write To Survive and even though your story is moons away from Sanditon, as an actress and her resembling the character of Lisa, I can see her playing the role and I would love that. I do love your plot and the story line and look forward to seeing your fiction on the TV one day. In fact I can also see Theo James playing the main character, the author. How nice would that be to see Lisa and Theo again as a couple. Yes please!

    1. Hello Sanditon fan, another who has kindly commented. Yes, Rose Williams is a hot favorite to play and Lisa, and can you imagine of Theo played the MC, wow. Thank you for reading the books and fingers crossed for Rose and Theo. Best wishes, David.

  30. Bloody hell. I loved Write To Kill and the author left the story on a knife edge and now after reading the first 3 chapters, I can't wait to read to see what happens. As I read I could really see a TV series. For me I can see Ben Barnes playing the author, the main character and I know they were in Golddigger together but Julia Ormond as Madeline and as Lisa I would have Tamla Kari from the BBC series The Musketeers. Great writing David.

    1. Hi Gemma, I will allow bloody hell on my blog. ;) They are fantastic shout outs. I did see Golddigger and Ben would be pretty perfect to play the MC. And Julia would be great as Madeline. Also Tamla is one to be reckon with. Thank you for taking time to leave a comment. So bloody pleased you enjoyed the books. Best wishes, David.

  31. David P Perlmutter FanSeptember 1, 2020 at 7:52 PM

    I love all of David's books especially Wrong Place Wrong Time and can't wait to see that as a movie, but this has to be a TV series. Watching other crime series, this is so different, not just about a moody, drunk divorced detective, this would be so watchable. A debt ridden likeable author from London, who commits a crime for money and writes a bestseller about it. Unique. The first book Write To Kill is brilliant and these three chapters are up there. Can't wait to read the full book and book three. Come on TV companies, let's get this on the box!

    1. WOW. I have a FAN. I'm smiling for ear to ear. Your support is amazing and what kind words. Unique, a lot of people have said that, which of course I am chuffed. Also, yes, come on TV companies....Thank you for being a great supporter of my work, means so much. Best wishes, David.

  32. My new fav crime fiction author, why? Because instead of the run of the mill, detective story this is so different. About an author, in debt, who commits a crime for money and writes a book about it. But, it's more than that. The characters seem life like, the MC even though he commits a crime, he is so likeable and the dialogue is catching and the story is like as you read, you are part of it! Also, this would make a cracking TV show. I hope it is!

    1. Hi Sandra, how kind thank you. I have made the MC likable, even though he has committed a awful crime. Pleased you like the dialogue and fingers crossed for a TV series. Best wishes, David.

  33. Oh yes, this is my type of book, I love a gritty crime fiction with plenty of dialogue. Read Write To Kill with a weekend and just pre ordered Write To Survive. If this series became a TV series then I would be very happy!

    1. I would be very happy of a TV series was made from my storytelling. So pleased you like the books, thank you. Best wishes, David.

  34. What a ride, thank you David. I've read Write To Kill and just now these three chapters. LOVE IT! Pre-ordered Write To Survive, and can't wait to read it! Also, this has to be a TV series. It's so out of the box, people will love it! Keep up the great writing!

  35. Hi, thank you for sharing the first three chapters of Write To Survive which had me hooked, but as I read the first book, #WriteToKill, I was hooked already! I am a fan of indie films and have recently watched Break and Sorority and Sam Gittens and his co star Emily Haigh, who I see has been suggested as the PA in New York, would be fantastic as the MC and leading female and girlfriend Lisa! I'd even add Sorority Sophie Kennedy Clark as the character Jennifer. Just my thoughts and David, your crime fiction books SHOULD be a TV series! Well done on such great writing!

  36. Hi David, just come across from twitter after seeing your tweets for Break the movie and the actors suggested for Jake in your books, and I must say, quite brilliant and unique crime fiction series. The actors that have been suggested by your fans of the fiction books are impressive, and I would like to add Adam Deacon from the aforementioned Break. I know people have suggested Ashley, Aml, Noel and Kadiff but Adam would be my choice, he directs too. By the way, Write To Kill was fantastic and gripping and I was hooked with the three chapters for Write To Survive and have pre ordered. My wife also loved the book and we both would love to see this played out on the TV. Its a crime it isn't! Excuse the pun. Cheers!

  37. Having just read the first book, Write To Kill and the first three chapters of book 2 Write To Survive and also reading today about Jake Wood leaving Eastenders, I must say that I could see Jake playing Mad Dog Maddox. I think he would be prefect. Congrats on some outstanding writing and fingers crossed, this becomes a TV series as it's so different from the usual crime shows.

  38. Yet again David, your writing draws me in just like Wrong Place Wrong Time and Five Weeks. Write To Kill was exceptional for your first outing in fiction and the three chapters of Write To Survive had me hooked to pre order. I just love the exchange with the MC and Lisa. Would love that to see that on the screen. It reminds me of Cameron and Robin in Strike, and if that can be adapted, yes I know it has the power of JK Rowling behind, but surly TV companies can see what they potentially could have with your stories. I mean, it's such a unique plot. Thank you David from helping me escape from the Covid world. My thoughts about the cast if it should be a TV series, which it damn must be, well, heavily influenced by a favorite show of mine, Sex Education, I can see either Connor Swindells or Asa Butterworth as the MC with Alistair Petrie as Mad Dog, Sam Spiro as Madeline and Mimi Keene as Lisa. There we go, my cast of some of the characters. Thanks again David and can't wait for book three.

  39. Having read your first book in this brilliant crime fiction series Write To Kill and now the three compelling chapters in Write To Survive, and being a fan of Jonathan Sothcott's movies, I can really see Billy Murray or Chris Ellison as Mad Dog and for sure Janine Nerissa as Madeline. Your crime series is unique about a struggling author paid cash for a murder and writing a bestseller about it, which has to be a TV series! Can't wait to read Write To Survive once it's published, have pre ordered and so can't wait to read the third and final book, which I understand is set in America judging by the actors who are interested in New York. Great writing!

  40. Hi David, I have been following you for sometime on twitter, and firstly congrats on the book to movie with Wrong Place Wrong Time and secondly, my thoughts about your crime fiction, which I must say, Write To Kill is outstanding. I also love the three above chapters of book two, Write To Survive and have pre-ordered. Can't wait to read that in full and the third and final book set in New York. I like many, many others on here, also feel that your trilogy is worthy of a TV series because of the unique plot of an author in debt in London, commits an awful crime for cash, puts his girlfriend's life and his on the line from a underground boss and he writes a book about it and that book becomes a bestseller. BRILLIANT! As I have said, I have followed you for some time and know how supportive you are to authors, actors and indie filmmakers, which I love, so I am going to put my view on some of the cast. For the MC, I would either suggest Karl Hughes who I watched in 24 Little Hours, Kevin Leslie from The Code and Doorman, Neal Ward or Marc Zammit. Personally, I think they would all do a great job if a TV series was ever optioned, which it should be. For Lisa, the MC's girlfriend, also from those films, either Joanna Andr, Nadia Lamin or Cheryl Neve. As you can see I am a lover of indie films and giving actors a chance to shine on TV and make a name for themselves. And for Mad Dog, I have looked at the names suggested here, and saw someone mention Jake Wood from Eastenders, I personally would suggest Gary Webster. Why? Because he looks the part, right age and comes from the east end of London. Sorry to go on, but I just love the writing in your crime series and it would be a crime for it not to be on TV. Super writing David and good luck with all your projects.

  41. Hi David, just to add my thoughts, firstly the writing is gripping and keeps the reader wanting more. I love Write To Kill, it is unique like so many of your readers have said, plus I can't wait to read in full Write To Survive and the third book. Also, yes please, a TV series of this is a must. It would be perfect for BBC, ITV, Sky Atlantic or Netflix, any of these just as long as it is made. It is a must. Okay, people to play the characters. I think Jason Flemyng as Mad Dog would be fab. Also, I think actress Racheal Warren as Jennifer, also like Joseph has said, Nadia Lamin would be pretty perfect as Lisa. The MC and her boyfriend I would go with Joe Dempsie or someone who has also been mentioned, Karl Hughes. He's up and coming and has the look. I do see them both as the author who commits the crime and then writes about it. He has that look and like ability. Also as Clive, Jennifer's dad, it has to be Jason Watkins as like in your pitch. I do hope to see your words on the TV screen. Fingers crossed.

  42. Hi David, I had to comment as so many people have about your crime fiction Write To Kill. I must say I absolutely loved this fiction book. I have also read the first three chapters of Write To Survive and I adore the relationship between the unnamed MC and Lisa. I feel your fiction books has the hallmark of a great series. My say on the actors to play your characters, I have been watching the new All Creatures Great and Small and I would suggest Rachel Shenton as Lisa. Rachel has the dark hair, right height, beautiful and would be fantastic. Also I loved White Gold which Rachel was in and I would have Ed Westwick as the handsome MC. Ed would play the dark character so well and I'll even have Lauren O'Rourke as the blond Jennifer. Those three as the main characters would be fantastic. Please make this happen. As many have said and I agree, Jason Watkins as Clive and now that Jake Wood has left Eastenders, Jake as Mad Dog. Anyway, can't wait to read book two and three. Congrats David on such brilliant writing. Hope to see your work on TV!

  43. I've just watched Tesla on Rakuten as you mentioned it twitter because of David Kallaway from Blacklist and the Green Door is in it, also that he is featured on the selection of actors suggested by fans of your brilliant crime fiction, which I love and has to be on TV! In Tesla is an actress, Eve Hewson who I would love to play Lisa if a TV series was made. She would, in my eyes be prefect as Lisa. Can't wait to read Write To Survive as Write To Kill was fantastic and I really hope we see a TV series, which is so deserved.

  44. I am a big fan of your work David, I loved your true story Wrong Place Wrong Time and can't wait for the movie, I also loved your other true story Five Weeks. But I'll tell you what, I simply adore your writing in Write To Kill and the first three chapters of Write To Survive and have pre ordered! All I can say is, if this crime fiction series isn't a TV series, then viewers are missing out, like many have commented here, it would be a smash hit. The characters that you have created would work so well and I would have any of the actors suggested by the many fans of your work. That speaks volumes. I will say this, you have Beth Macari to sing the theme if it is on TV. I totally agree. I also first heard Beth on Gaby Roslin's radio show and she is a real star and I think with her soulful voice can bring a stunning theme to your stunning work. I really hope a TV series is made and you have my full backing!

  45. I've just read Write To Kill, the first brilliant book in the crime fiction trilogy by David P Perlmutter and I was totally gripped. I have now read the first three chapters of Write To Survive which is just as gripping and I am hooked, so much so, I have pre-ordered. I love the dialogue between the MC and his girlfriend Lisa. And as many of the comments say, this has to be a TV series. It is your not bog standard detective story, it's unique like so many people say. For Lisa who has brown hair and green eyes as portrayed in the books, there is one actress that has that combination who I love and that is Emily Wyatt! Forget Daisy, Holliday, Jenna, Michelle, let's get Emily as Lisa and let's get this absorbing London crime fiction on the TV!

  46. Finished Write To Kill this afternoon and wow, that was a ride and a half. Also, just read the first chapter of Write To Survive, and pre ordered. David, your writing is a style that I love, you keep me wanting to read each chapter after another. Also, I agree with everyone else, this really has to be a TV series. So, different from any other crime fiction TV show. I do hope I see it on the box soon. Good luck!

  47. David, finished reading Write To Kill last night. Fantastic. I really got sucked up in the emotional roller coaster of the main characters life. I loved the fact that this was written in the first person and you didn't give a name for the main character who is an author. I love the relationship between the author and Lisa, also all of the characters fit in so well. As I read I could really see this play out on the TV. I have just pre ordered Write To Survive to see where this superb crime fiction plot is heading. Exceptional writing David. Also, I have ordered the paperback of Wrong Place Wrong Time and congrats on the movie for this book.

  48. My new crime fiction binge. I loved Write To Kill and the first chapter of Write To Survive. I can't wait to read the full book, and book three. As all these complimentary comments have said, this has to be a TV series. It would be brilliant. I can see it on the box. A name that hasn't been mention and one that would be perfect as the MC is Maxim Baldry. He is the right age, very good looking and would be perfect. I would also cast Niamh Walsh or Naomi Battrick as Jennifer, you can tell I watch Jamestown and Cara Horgan as Lisa. That's my shout. David, superb writing. Thank you.

  49. Hi David, I have read Write To Kill and I read it in two nights, only recently. Fantastic. I love the way you described London and the way you write, made me feel that I was on the roller coaster journey. I have also read the first chapter which for me, has me hooked, just as I was with book one. I have pre-ordered Write To Survive and can't wait to the 18th when it hits my kindle. I will also be buying the paperback. I have seen that fans of your books would love to see either Daisy Edgar Jones or Michelle Keegan as Lisa, if it was a TV series. I agree, either of these fab actresses would do Lisa justice. And as I'm a big fan of War Of The Worlds and Brassic, I'll love to see Aaron Heffernan as the male lead. He has the look, right age and he can pull off playing the MC. Also, he has worked with both Daisy and Michelle. Fingers crossed your unique fiction series becomes a TV show, it has to be, because it's that good.

  50. I just had to come on here to say how much I loved reading Write To Kill. The whole plot is unique and I actually felt I was part of the story, I really did. At the end of each chapter I was left on the edge. I have also pre-ordered Write To Survive and can't wait for it's release. I also think 100% that your books should be made into a TV show, as do so many of your readers. It is so different from what's on TV and I really hope it is picked up and made for the box. Thanks David for superb writing and fingers crossed for you!

  51. David. I must say, wow, totally gripped with your crime fiction Write To Kill, read in two nights. Had me gripped and already pre ordered Write To Survive and can't wait for the third and final book. As so many have said on here, this has to be a TV series. It's unique, again like so many have said, different from what is on TV and I'm sure will receive great reviews and a huge fan base. Please make this happen. Thank you David for such compelling writing. Also, Lisa the leading lady, I would say Mirabel Stuart. I saw Mirabel in The Boyfriend and seen many of her photo shoots, she is beautiful and exactly how I would envisage Lisa from your description of her. Also, it would be great to see her on TV in a TV series. It must happen.

  52. Hi David, I have been following you on social media for a couple of years and also your blog. I love the fact that you support so many artists, whether they're actors, singers and authors. So kind of you. I watched the short film, The Drop that you featured. And after reading your superb crime fiction Write To Kill, the first book of three, I would love to see Yvonne Mai cast as either Lisa or Jennifer. Also, I would cast Craig McGinlay, who has already been suggested by fans of your work as the MC! They had great chemistry in The Drop. David, your writing in this fiction plot is masterful and unique. Like so many people have commented on here, it surely has to be a TV series. Also like so many people have said, it's so different from what's around at the moment. I spotted a tweet yesterday from a reader in America, who tweeted, "JUST WOW." about Write To Kill. She is spot on! I've also pre ordered Write To Survive. Can't wait to read it! Congrats from a fan!

  53. My new crime fiction binge. I lapped up Write To Kill, it was that good. As I read I had two actresses in my mind to play Lisa and Jennifer, it's a no brainer. As Lisa it has to be Holliday Grainger, who I see has also been suggested by many. To play Jennifer, I think Laura Haddock. Wow, can you imagine, perfect casting. For the MC, so many to chose from, but a name that hasn't been mentioned is Jeremey Irvine. He's dashing and would fit the role perfectly. And as Mad Dog, come on, has to be Mark Strong. I've ordered Write To Survive and can't wait to read it. This story has a fantastic plot and as so many have said, has to be a TV series. Fingers crossed for you David.

  54. Finished Write To Kill by David P Perlmutter over today and had to comment on this blog, which I saw on twitter, and like so many on here who have commented, what a story. This is a crime fiction that really needs to be on TV as a series, like so many have said. I've read the first chapter of Write To Survive too and can't wait for it's release. This is a unique plot of an author based in London, in debt, commits a crime and writes about it. It's a ride and a half, full of fantastic characters. Also over the weekend, I watched Vengeance and I know so many of David's fans have suggested actors who have been in TV series before, but after watching the film, the chemistry between Sam Benjamin and Phoebe Robinson-Galvin, they would make a great MC and Lisa, as they are a couple in the authors book. This is a trilogy, so a series would be brilliant and deserved to be on TV as the writing in top notch! Let's hope it happen!

  55. Oh David, now I have to wait for the 2nd book in your fantastic crime fiction series. Damn you. Just kidding. Your writing in Write To Kill had me with the story all the way. This plot is unique, yes a word that has been over used in many of the comments on here. But it's true and you know, this would make a superb chilling TV show, again like so many have said. For Lisa, if optioned for a TV show, which IT HAS TO BE, I think, from Jamestown and The Nest, what about Sophie Rundle, she is more or less as David has describe. I can really see Sophie playing this innocent but then turned dark leading lady. Can't wait for book two! Well done David.

  56. David, congrats on a super, thrilling and gripping read. Love you writing style. Write To Kill blew me away. Can't wait to see how the plot develops in book 2 and 3. I see many wish for a TV series, like me, and I as a fan of Peaky Blinders and Gangs Of London and as your crime fiction is set on London, I would like to see Joe Cole play the MC. her would be fantastic. I so hope to see this on the TV!

  57. I read David's crime fiction Write To Kill over this weekend and the first chapter of Write To Survive, then watched the final episode of Roadkill. I'll tell you what, as many have said on here, it has to be a TV series. For me, the writing kicked RoadKill into the kerb. David's books must be picked up for a Sunday night drama. Bloody brilliant plot with exceptional writing!

  58. Just popped over from Facebook as I saw your post David. I read Write To Kill a month ago and I am waiting for book two and three. Must confess, I loved it. Your story took me on a ride and I love your style of writing. Must say, the plot etc would make an ideal TV show.

  59. I've just finished reading your superbly written fiction book, Write To Kill and also watched the final episode of Roadkill and I must say, apart from Hugh Lawrie making a great Mad Dog, Millie Brady would make a stunning Lisa from your crime fiction. Like so many have said, your storyline would make a fantastic TV series!

  60. David, I finished Write To Kill last last, bloody loved it, and I had to come on your blog, which I have from your link on twitter and whilst I was I noticed that Danny Dyer was trending, and it made me think, that he would be spot on to play Mad Dog. Yes he is younger than the character you portrayed but I see think it would work with him. He in my eyes would be perfect. Also, make it a family affair and have his daughter Dani play either Lisa or Jennifer. Looking forward to reading book two and three.

  61. I had a roller coaster of a ride last night. I finished Write To Kill and I must thank the author for an excellent piece of writing. His style of writing is like watching a TV show. It's gripping, made me look forward to turning each page and talking of TV, like so many have said on here, I can really see it happening. Also, the first chapter above is a great intro to book 2, which I can't wait to read. As so many on here have suggested actors to play David's characters, I do follow David on twitter, hence coming on here and I did see his tweets and chat with Vas Blackwood about Only Fools and Horses, great show, and I want to add my spin of who should play Mad Dog. Why not Vas, he's the age, he can be very menacing, he's from that part of London and has a great voice. He can ask his mate Dexter Fletcher to direct and make this book series a huge hit on TV like it should be. Fingers crossed we will see this on TV in the very near future. I will add a huge 5 star review on Amazon and can't wait to be back on that ride with book 2 and 3.

  62. Hi David, over the weekend, I read Write To Kill and as so many readers on here have said on here, what a fantastic piece of writing. The plot is unique, an over used word on here for your book, but it is. I have also read the first chapter of book 2, Write To Survive and I just love the chemistry between the MC and Lisa, plus Jennifer. As everyone has said on here, which is a huge compliment to your writing, this trilogy, should be a TV series, it's so different and as a TV addict as well as a book one, I pictured this on the TV as I read. Also, like many who have suggested actors to play the roles, as I read I could really see James Norton as the MC, plus Kacey Ainsworth as Madeline, the part is perfect for her, also I loved Games of Throne and could see Jerome Flynn as Mad Dog, the husband of Madeline. As many have said, Jason Watkins would be perfect as Clive, Madeline's ex husband, Lisa has to be played by an innocent, beautiful woman, but with a dark side and as I said I loved GOT, so I would say Faye Marsay as Lisa for me and Jennifer, the elegant blonde, for me like many have said Poppy Delevingne. There we go, thrilling cast for a thrilling TV! Fingers crossed and can wait to read book 2 in full and the final book, 3! Congrats David on some excellent writing!

  63. David, just had to say, bloody loved Write To Kill, stylish writing and a page turner. Can't wait to read the rest of the series. If optioned for TV, which it has to be, what a series it would make, I am going to say Amy-Leigh Hickman as Lisa. She is just perfect for the role and Poppy Lee Friar as Jennifer, you can tell I love Ackley Bridge. Again, brilliant writing and deserves a TV series for sure!

  64. David, I finished Write To Kill last week and my husband finished it last night as I watched my new binged TV, The Queens Gambit which is brilliant and I must say, Anya Taylor-Joy who plays Beth would be PERFECT as Lisa, even my husband agrees. We both thought your writing in the book is thrilling and can really see a TV series. We have read the first chapter of Write To Survive, book 2 and can't wait to read in full and of course the third and final instalment. I really hope to see this on the box next year. Keep safe and thanks. Karen.

  65. Hey David, Jason from America, had to write to say how much I enjoyed Write To Kill and looking forward to reading book 2 and 3. Also, if a TV series, which it should be, why not Tom Ellis from Lucifer, a show I love. Good luck.

  66. Okay, I admit, I love reality shows, like Love Island, Big Brother, Geordie Shore and Celebrity get me out of here, because they make me escape, but I also love crime and crime fiction books. David, Write To Kill drew me in from page one and I read it in two days. I'm from London, so it gave me a connection. Also, I loved the first chapter of the second book Write To Survive and can't wait for it's release. Reading this brilliant fiction and with Lisa the girlfriend of the main character who is a strong, beautiful but innocent woman, and as loving my reality shows, I would love to see either Vicky Pattison or Jess Impiazzi play her, if it came a TV show, which I like so many other would love to see. Thanks David for some very compelling writing.

  67. WOW. And I'm not easily pleased, but Write To Kill had me from page one when the MC was on his way to meet Mad Dog. Love the writing style, plot, that it's set in London. Also, first chapter of Write To Survive is so cool with exceptional dialogue. No fluffing, just great conversation and words. As many on here have said, this has to be a TV series, it's so different from other crime fiction. In fact I'm surprised no one has snapped David's hands off, just like Mad Dog threaten! Talking of which, I want to suggest my cast from the above list. As the MC, Florence Pugh brother Toby Sebastian, as Lisa, Jenna Coleman, Hugh Grant as Mad Dog, Poppy Delevingne, Sarah Parish as Madeline, the amazing Jason Watkins as Clive, also Kardiff Kirwan, Nancy Travis, Matthew Lewis, Rachelle Henry and David Kallaway. What an awesome cast for an awesome crime fiction series. Fingers crossed for you David.

  68. Hi David, you have another fan. I have read Wrong Place Wrong Time, you nightmare trip to Marbs and it was incredible. No wonder a movie is being made. Also, what can I say, Write To Kill thrilled me and so did the first chapter of book 2, Write To Survive. I can't wait to read in full. Also, just like everyone is saying, it has to be a TV series. I could picture it as I read. Like everyone else too, I would like to suggest actors. I admit it, I love soaps, especially Eastenders and Hollyoaks, and would love to see either Daisy Wood-Davis or Shona McGarty as Lisa and Gemma Atkinson or Amanda Clapham as Jennifer. They all would be great. Well done David on some brilliant TV worthy writing!

  69. David, yes! I've been waiting for this day. I've downloaded Write To Survive on to my kindle, and my day is sorted in lockdown. Coffee and a book. If it's anything like book 1 Write To Kill, I'll be on the edge of my seat by this evening!

  70. Hi David, just to say loved Write To Kill, fantastic writing and I have just downloaded Write To Survive, congrats on the new release. I would like to add my suggestion for someone to play one of your brilliant fictional characters if made for a TV series, which is just has to be. I like my soaps and also watching the Morning Show and Kym Marsh in my eyes would play Madeline perfectly. Okay, that's it. Now to read Write To Survive.

  71. David, it's Helen Davies here again, I am very tired. You kept me up most of the night. As I said yesterday, I loved Write To Kill and my love affair with your writing continues with book two, Write To Survive. My word, you know how to keep a reader's attention throughout. At the end of each chapter, I just had to turn the page. The dialogue between all the characters is so engaging and real, and I must say, there were some very LOL moments. Yes, there's a lot of swearing, which in the circumstances of the plot is valid. Yes, you did warn on Amazon about one particular very graphic scene, but I can see why you wrote that scene in. Where on earth do you get these ideals? Also, again you left me on a such a cliff hanger at the end, so hurry up with book three please. My last word is, if this isn't a TV series, then viewers are missing out. Your crime fiction would make such a fantastic gripping TV show, it just has to be one. Incredible writing and as I have said, hurry up with book three. Helen.

  72. " So When Are You Playing Out ? " David, London X

  73. Hi David, it's Claire Wicks again. I wrote 10 days ago on how I loved Write To Kill and suggested actors to play your characters if your crime fiction becomes a TV series, my suggestions being Toby Sebastian as MC, as Lisa has to be Jenna Coleman, Hugh Grant as Mad Dog, Poppy Delevingne as Jennifer, Sarah Parish as Madeline, the amazing Jason Watkins as Clive. I have now read Write To Survive and you do put your readers through it. It is edgy, gripping, dark with a few hints of comedy and as I read, I could really see a TV series, perfect for a Sunday night. The relationship between the MC and Lisa is a TV show in itself. Jennifer as like Mad Dog is fantastic supporting cast, Poppy and Hugh would be superb. Clive is extraordinary and Jason Watkins is Clive, he has to be. Madeline, wow......I won't say anymore, so not to spoil it for others. You left book 2 on the edge again, so hurry up with the final instalment! Tantalizing writing once again!

  74. At 2am this morning, I finished Write To Survive. By 3am I was still awake thinking of the story. David, I thought Write To Kill was brilliant, but you have surpassed that with book two. What I love is the dialogue between all the characters, it was like watching a TV drama in the palm of my hands, and it has to be a TV series. As Helen mentioned above, there is a lot of swearing and one scene is so graphic and dramatic, but I feel it has to be in there, I mean we are talking about a ruthless London gangster after all. There is only one person to play Mad Dog, that is THE DADDY, Ray Winston, it just has to be, plus his daughter, Jaime Winstone as Lisa, also Gethin Anthony as the MC, and Camille Rowe as Jennifer. PERFECT! Now, I just have to be patience and wait for book 3!

  75. Last night I finished Write To Survive after already reading book one, Write To Kill and these books had me on the edge, and now I can't wait to see what happens in book three. I know it's a cliché, but it did feel like I was involved, even there in the story, I guess that show's how compelling the writing is, so congrats to the author. Also, like many have said on here, it just has to be a TV show, people would love it as it's different from what else is on. Also, I agree with many suggestions of who should play who, but for me and especially after watching Filthy Rich, I'd go for Kim Cattrall as Madeline, she'd be perfect. Exceptional writing. Hope to see this book series on the box soon.

  76. Thank you David for making the two books free. I have downloaded and now my weekend is complete. I can't wait to get stuck into this crime fiction series that everyone is talking about!

  77. Hi David, it's Simon Morson again. Bloody hell, I could say something else, but unlike your books, I'll refine from saying the F word, which I must add is totally justified in your writing. I finished Write To Kill in two sittings yesterday morning. I had lunch out, then had dinner in and started with immense anticipation Write To Survive at 9pm and read till 1am this morning. This morning, I've had a couple of coffees, (with no Jack Daniels I may add) and will continue to read and no doubt finish by lunchtime. Now, just to say, wow and wow, I am a hard reader to please as there is so much rubbish out there, but your style of writing, this plot, the characters are screaming out for a TV series. I mean, as other's have said, your crime fiction would make perfect Sunday night TV. As I read, I imagined watching on the box. Okay, now to read more and congrats on some exceptional writing. Just need book three!!!

  78. I'll follow everyone from twitter and comment on David's blog and his crime fiction series. David, since the weekend I have read both Write To Kill and Write To Survive and my word, your writing had me sitting on the edge of my sofa. I even read some in bed and I nearly fell of that I was so engrossed in the roller coaster of a plot. When is the third book released? I loved the plot, the character's, the dialogue and, well everything about it. I must say, the Courthouse Hotel sounds incredible. Like everyone else, I would love to see this played out on TV and after watching the film The Sweeney, which my husband loved, and as as they play a couple in the film, I would say Plan B for the MC, and Kara Tointon as his girlfriend Lisa, plus as others have said, Ray Winston as Mad Dog Maddox is a must. David, we really hope to see your crime fiction played out on the box, it deserves to and just hurry up with book three. Brilliant writing!

  79. I downloaded both Write To Kill and Write To Survive last week when they were free and I have to say I have read a number of crime fiction books this year and these two are right up there with the best. The authors style of writing is a fresh of breath air. I love that each chapter is left on a knife edge and the continuity of each chapter makes it impossible to put the books down. I understand book three is being written, well hurry up with that because the ending of Write To Survive was torture not to know the person under the balaclava. This I have to add, has to be a TV series, it really has the making of a fantastic, gripping TV show.

  80. I've been watching The Haunting of Bly Manor which is great and after reading David's Write To Kill and Write To Survive, which I must say are brilliantly written and edge of your seats reads, if a TV series is made from his books, which is a must, then Lisa has to be played by Amelia Eve, she is English and I'll even say the role for the Main character, the author, why not Oliver Jackson-Cohen, he's the right age, good looking and from London where this series is set. Can't wait for the third and final instalment of this series.

  81. Hi David, just had to pop over to your blog to say how much I've enjoyed reading your crime fiction series Write To Kill and Write To Survive. Your writing made me feel I was part of this unusual and exciting plot. I'm looking forward to book 3. I must say, like many others on here, your story I can see as a TV show and for the role as Lisa, I've recently watched Traces and Molly Windsor would be perfect. Also, Clive as I read and like many others, I'd like to see Jason Watkins play that role. Fingers crossed for you!

  82. David......How can you leave me on edge like this....The ending in Write To Kill was something, but the ending in Write To Survive is something else. How could you! These books are brilliant. The writing is just exceptional. Hurry up with book three please. Also, as everyone has said, this has to be on the TV. It's perfect for a TV drama!

  83. I have now read both Write To Kill and Write To Survive and all I can say is, I want a TV series. As I read I imagine watching the characters play out the scenes on TV. Great writing David and hurry with book three, you left me on a knife edge.

  84. David, over the Christmas period, I've read both Write to Kill and Write to Survive, and I must say, some edgy, dark, thrilling writing, which I was completely engrossed. The writing felt like I was on the journey of this fiction story. Can't wait to see the outcome in book two and as everyone has said, this has to be a TV show. It's a MUST!

  85. WOW. What can I say. I am hooked and on edge. Waiting for book three to see the outcome of this gripping and ever so different crime fiction series. You had me hooked from the off David. Fantastic writing. Surely this has to been seen on the TV, like everyone on this blog wants. Hurry up with book three.

  86. My first reads of the new year and what a ride. I loved both books and can't wait for the third and final. Love the writing and a unique, original plot that as I read, could see as a TV show. I will read more from this author for sure. Happy New Year!

  87. Over Christmas and New Year, I read two books, Write To Kill and Write To Survive and I have to say, well done to the author for making it even more enjoyable. Loved the plot, the story, the characters and the writing. Just fantastic. Also I binged watched The Serpent and reading the many comments on here, I want to see a TV series and want and can see Jenna Coleman as Lisa as so many have mentioned. Just brilliant!

  88. These two books had everything. Murder. Sex. Romance. Laughter. Tension. Disturbing scenes, the lot. The writing seemed real as in, I felt I was in the story itself, and what a plot. Love the characters, well some of them. Mad Dog (love the name but was a bastard) and felt I knew the unnamed main character, Lisa and Jennifer, Clive personally. Brilliant piece of writing that like many others, deserves to be a TV series. Can't wait for book 3 and see how it all ends.

  89. Hi David, thought I would also pop over here to tell you. like everyone else how I enjoyed reading your two crime fiction books over the Christmas period. Incredible piece of writing that held my breathe throughout. The ending was fantastic which now sets it up perfectly for book three, which I can't wait to see who it is, I won't spoil it for anyone else. Also, this has to be on TV and yes, everyone is suggesting actors to play your amazing fictional character's and I am going on a different angle. You see I love Marcella, it's dark and edgy just like your writing and I would love to see Anna Friel as Lisa and Victoria Smurfit as Jennifer. There chemistry would work wonderfully. Yes, I know the character's are younger but with Anna and Victoria, they will make it work brilliantly. I do so hope your books will be optioned for TV like so many would like. Finally, hurry up with book three please, from a new fan!

  90. Hi David, thought I'd pop on here and follow the trend. Read Write To Kill last night and what a gripping start to the trilogy, fantastic writing. I have downloaded book 2, Write To Survive and will let you know my thoughts. I do love the storyline of an author writing a book about his crime. Classic.

  91. Just finished Write To Survive and wow, what an ending. I loved Write To Kill but book two was on another level. I got so involved. Now I have to wait for book three..... I must say, I also envisaged a TV series, as I read, I really I did, like everyone else. And you know what, I'd love to see Sarah Solemani as Lisa, she would be perfect. She's got a timing, she can be dark, looks innocent with great comedy timing and she is beautiful and Martin Delaney as the author MC. They would make a great on screen couple. A fantastic, unique plot, superbly written. Can wait for book three. Hurry up David.

  92. Finished both books in record time. Love them. Can't wait for book three and can't wait for the TV series. I know this will happen, it has too. Brilliant writing, superb plot, love the characters.

  93. Had to jump on here like so many have to say what stunning writing in both books Write To Kill and Write To Survive. I was hooked from the beginning and read these gripping, fast paced books one after the other in three days. I love the plot, the storyline, characters, locations and like many have said, would make a fantastic TV series. I do have a soft spot for Alice Eve and I feel after reading about Jennifer, one of the main characters, who is beautiful and elegant, Alice would be perfect to play her. Fingers crossed. Now, a message to the author David, hurry up with book three please. Congrats on a wonderful crime fiction series.

  94. Hi David, seen all the tweets about these books and downloaded them last week and already read them. They were page turning to say the least. Love the plot and the gripping style of writing. Also, as most people have, watched The Serpent and Lisa in your books sounds so much like Jenna Coleman, the character she is playing. A victim that gets hooked by the circumstances. Jenna would be perfect as Lisa if your books become a TV series, which it should be. Can't wait for book three. Great writing.

  95. Also leaving a comment about these two books. Loved them. Need a TV series and yes, after watching The Serpent and The Cry, Jenna Coleman fits the bill as Lisa perfectly. Please get this superb crime fictions series on the box.

  96. Jumping on the bandwagon like so many others. David's blog is on his Amazon page so I was directed to here and I must say, after reading both Write To Kill and Write To Survive, David as some skill in pulling the reader in. Such description, such thrilling pace, excellent characters. I loved this and can't wait for book three. On the subject of a TV series, it's a must. Love to see this on the TV!

  97. Page turning books to say the least. Can't wait for book 3 and fingers crossed, a TV series, which would be fantastic. Unique and original storyline.

  98. Got to add my comment for the authors crime fiction series. From the opening page of the author driving to meet Mad Dog in book 1 Write To Kill, until the final page (I won't give any spoils) in book 2, Write To Survive, I was gripped. This is a fast paced, unique storyline and plot that as I read, could certainly see on TV. So many suggestions from readers who like would like to see in the show, if on TV, and for Madeline, I would love to see Amanda Redman. Can't wait for book 3!

  99. The main character is an author, I should know, I've read both books on kindle and would love to win signed copies. Fantastic writing.

  100. Just come from Twitter and I'm I know the main character is an author. Great books.

  101. Seen the competition on Linkedin, I know this as I've read both books which were amazing. The Main character is an author.

  102. Such great books and I hope I win the signed books. The answer is an author!

  103. Great books and a great #Author to boot even if I don't win I am still picking up a copy of both.

  104. Saw the competition on Facebook. Love these books, has to be a TV series. Top AUTHOR and a very supportive chap to others.

  105. Just love these books, so gripping, so tense and such a page turner. AUTHOR.....I hope I win, but if not, I'll be buying the books anyway. Read on kindle and need the paperbacks!

  106. Noticed the competition on Instrgram, thanks to the "AUTHOR" on the chance on winning signed copies of these fantastic books, which I've already read on kindle, but want signed copies. Can't wait for book 3. Plus, like everyone else, this story would make a great TV series. I binged watch White Gold and watched the film Greed over the weekend and to give an up and coming actress a push, I really can see Georgie Grier in the role as the female lead, Lisa. She has the looks from what the author describe and it's based in London so, if optioned for TV, which it has to be, give Georgie a chance. Hope I win!

  107. #Author. @EdgeOErin1 thinks you are the bees knees.

  108. #Author I'm here, Dave! @BlancaMiosi

  109. My favourite #author!

  110. It's author.....I WANT THESE BOOKS!

  111. It's author, what the main character does in these amazing books.

  112. Love these books, I'd love to win! AUTHOR......

  113. The main character of these superbly written crime fiction books is an author, so it's author!

  114. I've read the kindle books, which are just superb. Such a storyline with a fantastic plot, and I want to win these signed copies. So, it's AUTHOR...

  115. Hope I win. AUTHOR......Fantastic books.

  116. Author. What a lovely valentines present these would make. Hope I win.

  117. Finished the second book Write To Survive in the series by this author, and wow, what an ending, leaving me on the edge. Can't wait for book 3 and as so many have said, this trilogy would make a cracking TV drama.

  118. Hi David, apart from reading both Write To Kill and Write To Survive, which were simply brilliant, I've also read most of these comments and agree with, that your books need to be made into a TV series, plus Jenna Coleman is the one to play Lisa as so many want. Can't wait for book three! Great writing!

  119. David, finished Write To Kill and Write To Survive, wow. Where did you find this plot. So unique and love the storyline, and has to be a TV series. I must say I watched Behind Her Eyes on Netflix which is good, but your story would be an outstanding piece of TV DRAMA. Hope it happens and hurry up with book three......

  120. Finished Write To Survive after book one, Write To Kill and these are my favourite crime fiction books of the year so far. Also, I as I read, I envisaged a TV series. Can't wait for book 3!

  121. OMG. David, what a thrilling ride of emotions. A gripping plot and wonderful characters. I LOVED both books and now can't wait to see how it all unfolds in New York. Also as so many of your fans have suggested, your crime fiction has to be a TV series. It HAS to be. It would make FANTASTIC drama, and also, I know who I'd love to play Lisa, Jess Impiazzi. As I read, I had Jess in my mind. She has the look and the eyes. I'm a huge fan of hers, you can tell. Also, I've seen Toby Sebastian has been mentioned before, he would be prefect as the MC, the author, what a beautiful couple they would make. Come on TV companies, get this fantastic plot on the box. Also David, hurry up with book three! Lots of love, Denise.

  122. I'm was on twitter and saw all the attention these books have been getting, so bought them a week ago. I've just finished both Write To Kill and Write To Survive and OMG, bloody fantastic. I really can, like so many others, see this story line on TV. What a plot. What writing. Also, like many have said, yes Jenna Coleman, but you know, like Denise said, let's get Jess Impiazzi that chance. She is a fine actress, she's beautiful, incredible eyes and would be perfect as Lisa. I thought of Jess as I read. Also David, now you have to hurry with book 3! My fingers are crossed for a TV series.

  123. I've read both books, Write To Kill and Write To Survive and seen all the hype all over social media and I have to agree, this superbly written crime fiction series, about a debt ridden author, who kills for money and then deals with the dramatic aftermath with his girlfriend, and then writes a bestseller about the events IS A MUST FOR TV! It WOULD MAKE GREAT TV DRAMA! I would go with many others and love to see Jenna Coleman as Lisa and as the boyfriend, author and MC, I'd love to see Sam Claflin. Now, I can't wait for the third book!

  124. What can I, but take a bow David. I've now read Write To Kill and Write To Survive and my word, what a ride. Now I can't wait for book three. As everyone has said from reading all these comments, these books would make a fantastic TV series. The plot, the characters and the unique storyline is nothing I've read before. Brilliant.

  125. Last night, I finished Write To Survive, the follow up to the brilliant Write To Kill and David, you have left me hanging on the edge. Superb writing, with an incredible plot, mixed in with some fascinating characters. Like so many others, would love to see this on TV! Can't wait for book 3! Congratulations on such terrific books.

  126. I've read a lot of crime fiction books, and Write To Kill and Write To Survive are up there. I've also seen a lot of crime fiction series with the main characters being the police and I feel that as this plot and story line to me is unique, this would make compelling and riveting TV. Also, can't wait for book 3!

  127. Finished Write To Kill and Write To Survive and I what a gripping and tense unique plot. Looking forward to book 3. Yes, and as many, many have said, I would love to to see this as a TV series.

  128. Like so many readers, I've read David's brilliantly written crime fiction books Write To Kill and Write To Survive and I've also spent the day watching The One a book to TV adaption by John Marr on Netflix. Also like so many, David's gripping fiction trilogy has to be a TV series and when it is, I would cast Pallavi Sharda as the lead Lisa, she would be perfect. Also, when is book 3 out David?

  129. My word, I truly loved Write To Kill and Write To Survive. The storyline, the characters, the writing. As it's written in the first person I sensed everything that was unfolding as I read. I like so many would love to see this on the TV! It was be gripping and tense viewing. Looking forward to book 3!

  130. Hey David, how long do I have to wait for book 3? I mean, you have left me on the edge. Just love this story line and plot. Had me at the get go and a raced through both Write To Kill and Write To Survive. Surely this has to be on TV, it would make fantastic viewing. Just brilliant.

  131. I can understand all these rave reviews for the authors first two books in his crime fiction series, because they are a compelling piece of writing. You are hooked from page one of book one and it continues to the final page of book 2, and I'm sure it will continue in book 3. Also, this has to be a TV series. I love crime shows, but this is so different, not the usual about police or detective, but a debt ridden author who commits a crime for money, writes about it and that book becomes a bestseller, but it's so much more. Looking forward to book 3 and fingers crossed a TV series.

  132. Spent the past week in the company of two crime fiction books by author David P Perlmutter and I must say, what a gripping and original storyline. Loved everything about these two books and can not wait for book 3. Also, I will add like everyone else has, this has to be a TV series.

  133. I've read all the many comments on this blog and I'm going to be boring as I will say the same as all many readers. What a couple of superbly written books. I love crime fiction and these by the author are up there. Unique plot, great characters and wonderful dialogue. I can really see this becoming a TV series. Can't wait for book 3.

  134. Have to say how much I enjoyed Write To Kill and Write To Survive. The writing style is something I haven't read before and it felt I was the main character. I guess that's a compliment to the writer. I very much look forward to reading book three when it is published. Also, as I read, I could envisage a TV series. Good luck with that.

  135. I love all crime fiction TV series, such as Line of Duty, Unforgotten, The Stranger, Behind Her Eyes etc, and after reading Write To Kill and Write To Survive, I feel and like so many, this these books would make a fantastic TV series. This is a unique plot and a different format, as in, instead of following the police, you get into the eyes of the main character, an author and his criminal journey. Has to be made. Can't wait for book three.

  136. David, just popped on to say congrats on two superb crime fiction books. Love the plot, storyline, characters, settings, everything about it. Looking forward for book three. Also, agree with the other readers, your books would make brilliant TV and I'd say Jared Harries as Mad Dog would be cool! Jenna Coleman as Lisa, top drawer and Billy Howle as the main character and her girlfriend. Why not! Anyway, love your writing style and all the best.

  137. Hi David, I've finished book two, Write To Survive last night, after completing Write To Kill last weekend. I was truly gripped by the plot, storyline and your writing. As many have said, your story would make very compelling TV drama. As I love crime fiction and watching Line Of Duty which I love with superb writing by Jed Mercurio, I must say that Gregory Piper would be great as the MC if you manage to be optioned for TV, which I really, like many others are hoping for. Can't wait for book 3 Write To Live.

  138. I finished both Write To Kill and Write To Survive this week. I read them one after the other in record time, they wee that gripping and tense. Must say, superb writing and a fascinating plot, complimented with some interesting characters. I loved these books and can't wait for book three. Also, like everyone else, this has to be on TV, would make fantastic drama.

  139. What can I say apart from, thank you for these two books which I lapped up in record time. Looking forward to book 3 and hopefully see this on the box!

  140. David, I had to comer on here to say that I've read both Write To Kill and Write To Survive and I am not being over the top here, but you blew me away. Just love this style of writing. I felt I was on page with the characters. How long will book 3 be as I can't wait to read it. I just couldn't put these paperbacks down. Oh and yes, this has to be a TV series. Fantastic writing David.

    1. That's great to hear Katie. Book 3, Write to Live is being edited at the moment. I'm hoping to self publish by the summer or September.

  141. David, I have to say, what fantastic writing in both books and can't wait for the third. The plot, the storyline, the characters, just loved this crime fiction. Also, it has to be on TV, it would be fantastic TV viewing. Can't wait for the final book.

  142. Finished both Write To Kill and Write To Survive over the weekend and wow, would a ride. The way the author takes the reader on a journey is exceptional. Love the plot, the story and the characters. Now, I can't wait for book three. Also, this crime fiction would make a fantastic TV series. Hope it happens.

  143. What an amazing write-up it is! So beautifully drafted here

  144. During the past week I have read Write To Kill and Write To Survive and my word, I was hooked from page one of book one to the final page book two. I love the writing, the plot, the storyline, the locations and the characters. David, I can't wait for book three, when is this out? Also, like so many of your fans, this has to be on TV! It would make superb TV viewing.

  145. Hi David, firstly can't wait for book 3 Write To Live, which I've pre-ordered, and what can I say, but wow. Write To Kill and Write To Survive had me on the edge of my seat. Yes, I know readers say this about thrilling books, but it is true for me, what a story and plot. You had me with each page. Fantastic description and characters. I would love to see this on the TV, really would make incredible viewing. I have recommended these books to everyone I know and my book club. How these books are not a Sunday Times #1 Bestsellers is beyond me. Thank you David.

    1. Thank you Laura for your kind words. It would be a dream to be a Sunday Times bestseller but to be honest, reading all the reviews on my blog makes me feel like a bestseller. Thank you.

  146. After reading all these comments, and after reading book one and two, this crime fiction series has to be on TV. Superb writing and plot with fascinating characters. This would make such gripping viewing. Thank you David and looking forward for book three.

  147. Downloaded my free kindle copies last week of Write To Kill and Write To Survive which I read this week. Fantastic page turning crime fiction. I've also pre-ordered Write To Live, can't wait to see what happenes. David, just superb writing and yes, like everyone else, this has to be on TV!

  148. David, I don't normally follow blogs but after downloading these books, I had to come On here to tell you, that I loved them. Write To Kill and Write To Survive haD me on the edge of my seat. Yes, I know readers say that all the time, but your story had me gripped from the start. Wonderful plot and storyline. Also, have pre-ordered Write To Live too. Also, yes a TV series has to be made, like so many want and you know who I would love to see play Madeline, my favoure actress Julie Graham, she would be prefect for the role. Anyway, fantastic storytelling and can't wait to read the outcome in the third book. Get this on TV!

  149. When these books were free on Amazon two weeks ago, I downloaded them to my kindle. I would have paid. These were a thrill a second read and I couldn't get off. Superb writing and the characters felt like friends. Well, the nice ones. I have also pre-ordered the third book. Yes, like many others, has to be a TV series, I can really see it and I can see Sam Claflin who I love as the main character, the author, with Emilia Clarke as his girlfriend and side kick Lisa. David, I hope we get to see your brilliant and original crime fiction series on the box.

  150. Hi David, had to come on here from twitter to say that I've read both Write To Kill and Write To Survive over the past few days and I must say, like everyone else, the writing is gripping, it's a thrill a minute and the way you use dialogue made it feel I was within the story. The way you write, you bring the the characters to life, also, when and not if, this crime fiction series is on TV, Emree Franklin (Looks amazing in the photo) would make a perfect Lisa. I've pre-ordered Write To Live and can't wait to see what happens.

  151. Finished both Write To kill and Write To Survive over the weekend and have to say, what superb fiction writing by the author. I love the way it's written in the first person, because as you read, it feel's like YOU ARE the protagonist, the author. All the characters in the story are spot on and all play a huge part in making this story so entertaining. Also, as many have said, would love to see this on TV! Pre-ordered book 3, Write To Live. Can't wait to read it.

  152. I was recommended by a friend to read Write To Kill and Write To Survive and now I will recommend these books. They were first class. The plot is unique, the storyline kept me entertained and the characters totally real and engaging. Can't wait for book three and also have to say, as I read, I envisaged a TV drama. Brilliant.

  153. My favorite crIme fiction books so far this year, and I read a lot! Can't wait for book three. Wonderful writing. Totally hooked. Love to see a TV series.

  154. David, I bloody love these books. So much tension, suspense and a thrilling ride with fantastic characters. Like so many have said, this crime fiction series has to be on TV, and if so, I'd say either Jeremy Irvine or Jack Lowden as the author, the MC! Can't wait for book 3.

  155. After reading both Write To Kill and Write To Survive, I can understand all these reviews. These crime fiction books are edgy, thrilling, full of tension with exceptional characters. The names mentioned by readers if a TV series is made, actors like Jenna Coleman as Lisa, Nicolas Hoult as the MC are perfect, and after watching The Loudest Voice, I'll add Naomi Watts as Madeline, Annabelle Wallis as her daughter Jennifer and Russell Crowe as Mad Dog Maddox. How cool would that be. A TV series has to be made. Can't wait for Book three, which I've pre-ordered.

  156. David, I have finished reading Write To Kill and Write To Survive and I have to say what wonderful, thrilling, tense, gripping writing. This is a MUST TV series, as so many on your blog have suggested. Also, I watched Deceit last night and I think Rochenda Sandall as Lisa, Niamh Algar as Jennifer and the brilliant Eddie Marsden as Clive. Also, I have re-ordered the third book, Write To Live. Well done David.


    David Perlmutter has delivered yet another outstanding book, WRITE TO KILL. This is the first in a 3 part series. And, fair warning, you're going to want to read them all. David is a genius when it comes to having characters drive his story. As his reader, you're fully invested on page one. He plops you right into the scene with great mastery and keeps the book in your hand. These stories define what makes for a compelling television series. It's David Perlmutter's destiny to have his stories come to life on the screens.


    Have just finished these two books and they were fantastic and has to be on TV. Gripping, full of tension and with exceptional characters. I have a thing for Liz Hurley and she would be so cool as Madeline. Liz get involved with this superbly written crime fiction and let's see it on the TV!

  159. I've heard so much about this author and his books, so I had to see what all the fuss was about. Now I can see. These two book captivated me throughout the journey of the main character, who is an author. This is so well written, I became that character as it's written in the first person, which is very clever.
    I loved his relationship with Lisa, who became a huge part of the story, as did Jennifer, Madeline and Clive. Mad Dog and his sidekicks scared me just reading about them and the trouble they were causing. Once you read these books you will see what I mean. I've pre-ordered the third book and like everyone has stated, this has to be made into a TV series. It has winner written all over it.

  160. Finished Write To Survive last night, after finishing Write To Kill and I must say, it was a thrilling read. Every chapter had me on edge to the last word. Every character had their own personality which really shone though with their discriptions. Unique plot, original storyline and as I read, I could definitely picture this as a TV series. Of course, pre-ordered Write To Live.

  161. Like many I've read both Write To Kill and Write To Survive and like many, I was hooked from page one. I can't wait to read then third book, Write To Live in this fasinating crime fiction series. Talking of series, also like many others, this has to be on TV. Would make compelling viewing. Also, I read that someone would love to see Julie Graham as Madeline, yes I agree, Also, no one has really suggested actors to play Ronnie and Reggie, the muscle twins to Mad Dog, I would say the Kelly brothers, Craig and Dean would be prefect. So like many have said, get this optioned.
