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Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Faith of a Child: The autobiography of Patti Boulaye OBE

The Faith of a Child: 
The autobiography of Patti Boulaye!

The Faith of a Child: The autobiography of Patti Boulaye

The remarkable, moving and exciting autobiography of an African child through wealth, poverty, civil war to Show business Stardom. 

An inspiration for all those with faith.

“The first chapter of your book is just awesome – I couldn’t stop reading – it is just one of the most compelling/emotional stories that I have ever read about a young girl – the more extraordinary because of what you have become. So beautifully described – I could imagine myself with you on your long walk. But, of course, as you say, these experiences are so formative in our later lives. I shall read on…….. Wow – what a really fascinating life – you are the most remarkable person..... What a powerful book about someone whose life is so public, yet previously so little known – well done putting it all down for us.” Surgeon Rear Admiral Lionel Jarvis CBE KStJ DL FRCR Prior of the Priory of England & the Islands of the Order od St John & chair of St John Ambulance

“All of us who think we had a difficult childhood must read Patti Boulaye’s unbelievable life story. Her riveting story is a paramount example of what can be accomplished when insurmountable odds are overcome by positive thinking, spirit, vitality, never giving up, love and eliminating all excuses. I am an avid reader and could not put down this book written by this multi-talented lady which can help so many people that think there’s no way out of a life of heartache, pain, disappointment, etc. She is the beacon light to having a successful life after experiencing impossible odds on the road to happiness and success.” Coach Dale Brown (National College Basketball Hall of Fame Coach) Louisiana State University 1972-1997

“I just wanted to say, I have sadly finished reading your book. I say sadly - as I never wanted it to end. Indeed, you must write a follow up! It made for a most captivating read. It was funny and sad in equal measure. The lightness, after some certain dark pages, always appeared when I needed it most. But what stood out for me most of all is how brave you were, and how strong you had to be from such an early age. I was desperately sad on reading about what you had to endure. How thankful and relieved I was when Stephen, your knight in shining armour, came into your life. I also enjoyed reading about your friendship and respect you had for John Major, as I am extremely interested in politics. Some of its contents I found disturbing, possibly because reading this book brought back bad memories of my own struggles in life to get to where I am today. Albeit under different circumstances to your own. Anyhow, I would love to review this book for you………Forgive me if my excitement is running away with me, but I feel your autobiography should be a number 1 best seller, and receive the recognition it deserves.” Patricia Merrick (The Lady Magazine)

“Making inroads into your book, and thoroughly enjoying it whilst being horrified at some of what life has thrown at you.  Sounds like challenges you have overcome prove the old adage "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" David Browne Honorary Enterprise Fellow at Coventry University

“This is one of the best, if not the best celebrity book I have read. Very honest and unexpected.” R. Lewis (Journalist)

“I have to say I found your book absorbing from the start to finish. Your childhood memories brought Africa to life, and your experiences in the Biafra war reminded me why I was not allowed over the border from Niger as an America Peace Corps volunteer (1967-1969). My last posting was in Maradi, over the border from Kano. You write with great freshness and spontaneity, which makes all your memories easy and interesting to read. You are indeed a multitalented individual. Mark E. Simpson

"--Clutching on to each page as she relates her intriguing journey,Brilliant!!” ZoĆ« Henderson Author

Buy Your Copy The Faith of a Child

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