Why we need a second series of SANDITON

Jane Austen, if she was with us today, would perhaps feel quite overwhelmed by the love and support for her books, films and TV adaptations, generations after she first put pen to paper.
Of the numerous retellings of her anthology, I'm almost certain Jane would be over the moon with the recent TV adaptation of her unfinished book, SANDITON.

The support for a second season of this exceptional period drama has reached such a level of demand that it surely has to happen. YES?

I was extremely lucky to be invited to the exclusive Sanditon launch event in 2019 at Soho House in London, where I was honoured to be in the audience, with Anna Reid sitting right behind me, to view the first episode of Sanditon, and thereafter witnessed a hilarious Q and A with the aforementioned Anna Reid, and fellow stars of the show, Rose Williams, Charlotte Spencer, Kris Marshall, Jack Fox, Leo Suter, together with writer Andrew Davies and director Olly Blackburn.

I must confess, as stated in my original article about the event, which you can read here, the closest I've ever come to a Jane Austen book, movie or TV series, was to visit her burial site in Winchester Cathedral in Hampshire when I was attending my own book signing at Waterstones close by.
The reason I'm so passionate about Sanditon is not only because I enjoyed the series very much indeed, it's more than that. I have witnessed the enjoyment of so many around the world and what this particular period drama has meant to them. So much so, that there is even a petition for a second season, which at the moment, is not planned.
The reason I'm so passionate about Sanditon is not only because I enjoyed the series very much indeed, it's more than that. I have witnessed the enjoyment of so many around the world and what this particular period drama has meant to them. So much so, that there is even a petition for a second season, which at the moment, is not planned.
Can you imagine, a petition for a TV show, well, it's true and so far over 56,700 people have signed, including me. So, if you feel as passionately about this as I do, you too can add your name here.

I too have felt the heartbreak of fans around the world, who were left on the edge of their seats with the ending of the first series, with many unanswered questions and requests to give Charlotte and Sidney their blissful ending, also for Esther and Babington to have blessed moments following their marriage. James Stringer (Young Stringer) deserves a happy ending and a good life, with someone who loves him and the requests go on and on, with many thousands of fans wanting that SECOND SERIES to see these plots and sub plots end in a satisfactory manner.

So, on Twitter, where Sanditon has many hashtags, I asked fans of the show to email me to let me know their reasons why there should be a second season of Sanditon and why they love the show so much.
And they did, in droves, believe me.
So, put the kettle on, sit back, relax, and enjoy their comments. It may take some time, as there were many:

"Sanditon was my absolute favourite Jane Austen adaptation. The chemistry of the cast is off the charts; the settings and clothing were beautiful. But, it is not finished. The series ended in a cliff hanger with our hero and heroine being separated which is not in Jane Austen style. The show has become part of our souls and we will continue to fight for another season so the story can end with them having their happily ever after." Mariann Stumpf
"This program has stolen my heart and the hearts of many, many others. I found it by chance one Sunday night, never having had any prior knowledge of its existence, and I am so glad I did! The fan base is incredibly dedicated, purchasing merchandise, books, and DVDs to the point of selling out. There is even a campaign to raise money for production. I have never witnessed this sort of enthusiasm over any show before, and I have certainly never participated in it. Sanditon is a truly remarkable work of art—beautifully filmed, acted, and written and full of clever banter and interactions that are surprisingly sexy given their demure nature." Tori Leigh
"I was initially drawn to the show because I grew up reading all of Jane Austen’s works, Persuasion being my favourite, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and Anne of Green Gables. I found everything about the show amazing. Everything from the cinematography, acting, costumes and music were so beautifully done. I was immediately invested in Sanditon as well as the characters and cared about what happened to them. Andrew Davies is an amazing artist and he was able to stay true to Jane Austen’s essence but made everything so relatable by bringing in his own modern touches. Sanditon is lush, romantic and contains so many beautiful details, whenever I re-watch it I discover a detail I didn’t notice before. It is a beautiful show that deserves many seasons." Rebecca O'Donnell
"We need a second season for Sanditon because it’s writers owe Jane and us the “best version” of her characters at the end of our journey with them." Tonia Serrao Soppelsa
"I work with people who are experiencing crisis, tragedy, health issues and loss. It is a privilege to walk alongside people during these times in their lives. I love my work and I hope my work and presence empowers them live with hope. This work takes its toll. If you are not careful, self-care goes out the window because you take these people and their hurt with you wherever you go. This past January I decided it was time for a little self-care. I decided that on Sunday nights at 8 pm I would pour myself a glass of wine and watch this new Jane Austen adaptation on Masterpiece Theater. I love Austen, period dramas, well written dialogue – what better way to escape one hour a week. The entire cast drew me into their characters, the way that Austen dealt with social issues of the time intrigued me, and who doesn’t love a good love story triangle with three of the most beautiful people you will find on camera! Jane Austen always ends with a happy ending. I knew my hour of escape each week would have a happy ending. Therefore, when episode eight rolled around with a tragic ending, this 52 year-old woman - who does not get invested in fan hysteria or Twitter – began screaming at her television set. I needed a happy ending! I wanted a happy ending! It felt like my eight week journey of self-care ended in flames. Then, I found the Sanditon Sisterhood and have had more fun escaping real life, the virus, and the pressures of my job discussing Sanditon. Since this time I have had my daughter in their twenties watch it. They love it! I have had my co-workers watch it. They love it! I even had my husband watch it and he can’t believe episode 8 ended this way. We need season two of Sanditon to get our happy Jane Austen ending. This world needs some happy endings right now. We all need some things to escape the times we are living in so we can go back out into the world and bring light and hope to the world." Pastor Kristin Skare
"I cannot begin to describe how much Jane Austen and her work mean to us (human psychology is very strange, indeed). One of many reasons why we need a new season is the fact that an unfinished Jane Austen adaptation leaves me (or us) feeling like John Wick after his dog got shot. And that is pure pain." Aleksandra Cvetkovic
"Sanditon is a visually stunning series that is beautifully filmed, acted and written. It is sexy, gritty and modern and the banter and interactions leave you wanting more. We hope we get to see more! I haven’t watched a show, such as this, that has touched me so deeply. It is remarkable." Sara Ripple
"Love SANDITON we can’t leave Sidney and Charlotte heartbroken, need season two so they can be together, please Save Sanditon!" Mary Searcy
"Love SANDITON we can’t leave Sidney and Charlotte heartbroken, need season two so they can be together, please Save Sanditon!" Mary Searcy
"I just want the storytellers (the crew, cast, designers, writers, stylists) of this production to be heard. This show is a true masterpiece, a work of art! Every single person involved have shown it was a labour of love in honour of our beloved Jane Austen. No one took her legacy lightly. She was charting a new territory with this writing, and that has been fleshed out. It just needs its true conclusion." Jordana Boulware
"Sanditon is the beautifully rendered, unfinished novel left to us by Jane Austen. Andrew Davies, the master storyteller, gave Miss Austen an everlasting gift when he created this continuation of her characters & the seaside town of Sanditon. From the beauty of the production, to the believability of the actors and the clever, thoughtful and meaningful dialogue, it is a story for the ages. But, it mustn't be left to just 8 episodes! The Sanditon sisterhood has been campaigning to bring it back. This is a story worth fighting for." Donna Locastro
"I have loved other TV shows but there is just something so special about Sanditon. I’m a fan of Jane Austen and so when I heard about this adaptation I was excited. I was hooked from the first episode when Charlotte open the carriage door and looked out at the town for the first time. I believe part of the appeal of the show is we all wish we were a little more like Charlotte, adventurous, curious, kind hearted, open to love and we see Sanditon thru her eyes. All of the characters have captured my heart! I can’t stop thinking about what will happen to them so that’s why I feel we desperately need a season 2. The love story between Sidney and Charlotte is a joy to watch, their chemistry and sweet ease they have onscreen is the best I’ve ever seen on TV. Their beautiful story just draws you in and you want them to be happy. They bring out the best qualities of each other. But it’s not just them it’s every in the town. Esther’ s story how she has basically been beat down by her brother, then thru Lord Babington admiration and love she opens up and finds her self worth. I love Georgian's free spirit, Lady Dunham’s wit, Sir Edward being a cad, Arthur’s comic relief, Lady Susan’s wisdom, Tom’s dream of Sanditon, I just love them all and need to see them happy. And finally the cliffhanger has to be the most heart wrenching I’ve ever seen. It’s Jane Austen for goodness sake." Tammy Rogers
"I have often contemplated what touched our soul so deeply about this series. The truth is, it is just purely elegant and the scenery, directing and acting are brilliant. Andrew Davies and team created this magnificent vision of Sanditon with all of it's potential for endearing relationships and plot-lines, but were cut short on being able to bring that vision full circle. The final episode left so many characters plots open that it feels like an unfinished Mozart symphony. Leaving Sidney and Charlotte's relationship in agony, leaving Young Stringer tied to Sanditon due to the guilt of needing to finish his father's work, leaving Georgiana heartbroken and unsure of her future with no direction in sight and literally leaving part of the town burnt to ashes. This is no way to leave a Jane Austen story. There has never been a Jane Austen novel or adaptation that has left so many main characters in limbo. Andrew Davies should be allowed to finish what he started!" Laura James
"I have always been a Jane Austen fan and have loved period dramas; but, I'm not one to get involved or attached to a story. This is all new territory for me; but, here I am! I ask myself why I am sitting here typing (with a broken finger, I might add -- football with the kids) to a stranger in England about my love for Sanditon? Because Sanditon is magic and has so much to offer to the world! I fell in love with each Character! Jane Austen, Andrew Davies and all the writers, directors, producers, cast and crew did a brilliant job creating Sanditon. There is a tangible chemistry felt with the entire cast! In whole the word I keep coming back to to describe Sanditon is "MAGIC!" Something this beautiful must go on!" Natasha Asay
"My love for Sanditon grew like the love story within it, slowly, the first two episodes I kept thinking it was missing something but after watching episode 3 I realised I had missed it, the slow lingering glances that were just a second of a frame but meant so much, the end of a conversation with “well then” that somehow has you screaming for him not to walk away but to continue talking to her. The famous dance in episode 6 shows how sexual chemistry and attraction can be shown through something as simple as a dance but yet be as effective as the steamiest sex scenes. The surrounding characters that peopled their lives were so rich, and at times thoroughly modern story lines such as Edward grooming Esther, the racism towards Miss Lambe, Young Stringers ambition, we have routed for all of them along with our love for Sidlotte!!! The actors chemistry and work is undeniable, we thank them most ardently. Jane Austen was a feminist for her time, she never envisioned her heroines changing the world as that was not the world she lived in but she wanted them to have a voice, to have character, to not be shackled to what society or men at the time expected of them, and this Andrew Davies has managed to capture with Charlotte Heywood. In Sanditon Charlotte challenges Sidney at every step, not allowing his anger to justify his actions, she is able to break the glass and allow the outlier to find peace and a home. In the words of Miss Austen: “Let other pens dwell on guild and misery. I quit such odious subjects as soon as I can, impatient to restore everyone to comfort and a happy ending." Rachel Humphries
"Sanditon has struck a deep universal chord in the hearts, minds and souls of a global, growing, motivated, diverse and talented fan base. Incomplete we are left breathless, our hearts broken on a cliff just like Sidney. Complete it and there will be a timeless, classic, enthralling, universal love story .Everyone wins including Jane Austen, Sidney, Sidney and. Charlotte and lovers of literature now and for generations to come! MORE ASSUMPTIONS MISS HEYWOOD? I love Sanditon for many reasons. Not the least of which is it has inspired a great deal of personal growth. Because of Sanditon I have a global group of virtual friends with whom I share a common world view. I am finding time to read, write, express myself and stand up for what I believe in. I am inspired by the many talents and imagination of our Sanditon Sisterhood/Brotherhood to grow and try and appreciate new things. I have also been challenged to grow personally by considering my own actions and reactions. Yesterday on my walk I kept thinking about Sidney’s challenge to Charlotte and about the times I have made assumptions about people or situations which has inspired personal reflection and change on my part. I think inspiring personal growth is another mark of inspired, timeless, enduring literature." Lynn Wendt
"Sanditon is the drama you didn’t know you needed and the unfinished seasons have left us feeling broken. Sanditon is true love lost (at this point) but has a chance to be restored. It’s amazing writing, casting, and fun work on TV." Kapi Dismukes Farrell
"Why another season of Sanditon? Because of the story-line and characters. It took talented writers to create & develop the characters. A brilliant cast brought those characters to LIFE! All through the story I felt as though I was right there. I had to pinch myself back to reality. I have never watched such a captivating show. I feel as though I could go to Sanditon, the seaside resort and the entire cast would be there living out their Sanditon lives." MariKay
"Why another season of Sanditon? Because of the story-line and characters. It took talented writers to create & develop the characters. A brilliant cast brought those characters to LIFE! All through the story I felt as though I was right there. I had to pinch myself back to reality. I have never watched such a captivating show. I feel as though I could go to Sanditon, the seaside resort and the entire cast would be there living out their Sanditon lives." MariKay
"Well I'm gonna say I loved it as the series followed a young girl going to the fantastic seaside destination with new friends, and then from her arriving it followed her meeting new friends and then she found out what #Sanditon is really like for herself with going to famous balls in those gorgeous ball gowns and dancing of course! I just loved #Sanditon series 1 so much with the fantastic cast, but that ending really did make me get tears in my eyes as Jane Austen don’t end like that with our heroine not getting her HEA, so I would love another series to get the go ahead and watch out in that how everybody’s stories play with their futures." Rachel Hutchinson
"Sanditon is so outstanding that it was inevitable that its mesmerising and captivating effect on millions of viewers worldwide would be felt. The story-line, actors, cast, production, music, script and cinematography are outstanding. Davies' desire to honour the wonderful wit and genius of Austen was prematurely cut short by ITV. Yes, it is unusual for an Austen adaptation to go beyond 6 episodes or a single film format, however, having seen all the characters and their individual arcs begin to evolve in the 1st series, it is clear that Davies saw so much more potential in this work. The details in the sets and costumes, and the many clever hidden references to other Austen works were a joy to discover and sadly not appreciated as much as they should be. This was no fast food, microwave soap story which it could have so easily been. It is an opportunity to bring Austen to a whole new generation of young people, in particular, and to expand their knowledge of the wonderfully rich heritage that Britain has cultivated in the Arts and writing for centuries. The historical importance of Austen's writing has been vastly underestimated for too long. Indeed, I believe Sanditon is now included in the English curriculum in schools which is hitherto unheard of, and almost certainly due to Davies' work and the clamour of the fans for MORE SANDITON!" Vasantha Narayanswami
"At a time of such a devastating world crisis, Sanditon comes like a cool breeze in a suffocatingly hot day. It does not cure our malady but makes everything more bearable. Some may think this trivial in the face of a world catastrophe, but the enjoyment of something as lovely as Sanditon, provides spiritual, immaterial respite from the hardships of life." Tonia Serrao Soppelsa
"At a time of such a devastating world crisis, Sanditon comes like a cool breeze in a suffocatingly hot day. It does not cure our malady but makes everything more bearable. Some may think this trivial in the face of a world catastrophe, but the enjoyment of something as lovely as Sanditon, provides spiritual, immaterial respite from the hardships of life." Tonia Serrao Soppelsa
"The Sanditon series relaxes me and gives me other things to think about. When I returned from Afghanistan reading and listening to music helped me to get back to my "normal" self. Though these are isolating endeavours, Sanditon and the Sanditon Sisterhood are not. In the military it is one team, one fight as it is with a Sanditon Season 2. Though for some Jane Austen purists "it did not suit" to quote Georgiana. For those who are not purist it gave us the Jane Austen strength of character with an E.L James type twist. That is what I loved about the series, the strength portrayed by the women for that time. The flaws shown in the men, and the slight nuance of comedy mixed in. Andrew Davies took some risks which some did not feel were to their liking, but I think those risks were what added to the mystery of Sanditon. Why else are over 50,000 people signing a petition, and writing networks?" Nelva Nielsen
"It sweeps you away, takes your heart, draws you in, and you become consumed. I can't say enough about the great casting and the acting. Both Theo James and Rose Williams are so expressive facially and body movements, that we as the viewer felt what they were going through and could relate to it. Intrigue, love, beautiful scenery and costumes, and the music - you can't get it out of your head! What a gift Ruth Barrett has! Kudos to Andrew Davies of course for he has done a beautiful job of it. Our hearts were ripped out at the end though. Not a Jane Austen ending that is for sure. Actually went against Jane Austen's ideas for an end. We need to have a proper ending for Sidney and Charlotte, we need to see the other characters story-lines continue. We. Just. Need. More." Sherrill Thorne
"Sanditon is my favourite Jane Austen adaptation that has truly captured my heart and soul. No other period TV series can closely compare. Sanditon is very popular around the world. We are a passionate group of people that have fallen in love with the story, characters, music and setting in the sensational show of Sanditon. We would like to see it continue, in fact we are begging for it. The ending of Season One calls for another one as it has ended with a horrible heartbreaking cliffhanger." Shelly Perks
"As a long time Jane Austen fan, Sanditon has become one of my favourite adaptations. The casting, writing, scenery, and costumes are incredible. I have loved all of the characters, but Charlotte and Sidney are favourites. Kudos to casting for their great chemistry! Episode 8 left our hero, heroine, and other characters unresolved. Season two of Sanditon is needed to continue their story, and give fans the Austen ending they deserve." Marie Salter
"As a long time Jane Austen fan, Sanditon has become one of my favourite adaptations. The casting, writing, scenery, and costumes are incredible. I have loved all of the characters, but Charlotte and Sidney are favourites. Kudos to casting for their great chemistry! Episode 8 left our hero, heroine, and other characters unresolved. Season two of Sanditon is needed to continue their story, and give fans the Austen ending they deserve." Marie Salter
"I love Sanditon because, well, you have all in one, beautiful stories, feminism, great and complex characters, you can empathise with each one, even with those considered evil and so on. Also Sanditon has a perfect cast, a great production and an amazing soundtrack. Every episode touched my heart like no other show. So, when I had just watched one episode, I needed to watch another one immediately. Indeed, I still re-watch the episodes in English and in Spanish. Sanditon got straight to my heart to stay, that's all. A second season of Sanditon is needed because it is a masterpiece and because of Jane Austen. She deserves a happy ending for her story. As she said: "My characters shall have, after a little trouble, all that they desire." Thus, Sanditon characters and we viewers deserve what we desire, a happy ending. Second season of Sanditon is a must!" Emma Martin
"I had seen Sanditon advertised on Foxtel here in Australia and thought that looks interesting. So every Friday night from the 1st November 2019 I eagerly watched Sanditon, I was hooked after the first episode! I had never watched a period drama or a Jane Austen adaptation before or had I never read her books. Now I have a Jane Austen collection of books and DVDS. I also have the Sanditon DVD and books. In May last year my dear Mum passed away, so Sanditon aired at just the right time in my life as I faced my first birthday without my Mum, her first birthday and Christmas in heaven. Sanditon was my escape, a chance to push aside the avalanche of feelings that I was feeling and when Sanditon ended on a cliffhanger, I immediately wanted more and needed to know when season 2 was going to air. So imagine my disappointment when I found out that Sanditon had been cancelled. So in ending. Sanditon is my happy place. Sanditon is my distraction. Sanditon is my escape. Sanditon is my salvation." Louise Watts
"Why I love Sandition? Well I am from Germany and am a big Jane Austen Fan. Growing up with a big dark history than ours I always dreamed my way out to a history I envied others for! The story's I find in Austen or Hardy or others comparable. I know it's a dream world, I know it's fiction, but that's it! No one can take it from me! I always had a lot of different adaption in mind and every book of JA was fascinating me in an different way as I grew older. Then came Sanditon. With Sanditon, it is not just the Story or single cast-member, the first thing that hit me extremely was the fantastic music, then there was the filming, the landscapes followed by great humour and fabulous acting! I love how each cast member has put something special to their character, the voices they used, pronunciation of phrases. I could go on forever. Long story short: have fallen in love with Sanditon from the first second." Ronicone
"Sanditon, it is such a fantastic series and so deserving of future seasons! It has certainly captured the hearts of many fans worldwide!" (For all facts and figures about Sanditon, click Sanditon Claire Comben
"Sanditon captured my heart slowly. I truly appreciated its overwhelming beauty after re-watching most of the episodes. I don't want to repeat what you have already read in hundreds of e-mails, but the magic of Sanditon is in the detail. The entire production is breathtaking - cast, music, scenery, writing, dance choreography... Everything. The most wonderful thing for me, however, is how Sanditon provoked an outpouring of creativity in our fandom. We write, we paint, we create videos... It's truly remarkable. I created my own blog page just to have an opportunity to write about Sanditon. I have never been so dedicated to a cause or a series. And I see the same passion in all of my sisters and brothers. We all have different talents, but Sanditon allowed us to rally together in hopes for a second season. And we do it in the most poetic and artistic way. This alone, I believe, is a testament to the power of the series. Sanditon has awoken the desire for beauty, art, and expressiveness in so many of us." Tedi Zlatkova
"I was a fan of Downton Abbey and Poldark. Sanditon was the next period drama that took me by storm. When the last credits rolled - I was heartbroken and immediately researched what was the fate of this show and I was heartbroken again! It’s not just the ending for the 8 episodes - but so many more questions needed to be answered for our characters. Yes - Theo James is a presence on screen but I found his acting chops were amplified in this scenario. I was a fan of Rose Williams with Reign. Was really pleased she was the lead. But the story is the main event. Complicated situations and every character was intriguing. Would love to have a pint with Lord Babington and tea with Esther! Would like to kick the smarmy out of Edward and see Lady D just “dress-down” Tom Parker. These characters are great and when you see it working on screen it’s magical. Bottom line - it’s not just having a Happily Ever After for our leads - but I want more stories about these Sanditonians and their visitors." Dawn Bateman
So there we have it, as you can see the fan base of Sanditon is requesting, wanting, demanding, a second season.
If you do, here is the link again, for you to sign the petition

Let's hope Red Planet Pictures and Masterpiece have some aces up their sleeves for a SECOND SERIES!

Excellent. Hope more join our fight for completion of this incredible story. Thank you for this.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for writing this, & for sharing the petition! Your support in the fight to save Sanditon is very much appreciated! It is a beautiful show, worthy of many more seasons!
ReplyDeleteWonderful...Let's trust the powers that be pay attention!
ReplyDeleteThank you Thank you Thank you for writing this & sharing in our beliefs for a second season. We hope and pray that the executives hear our noise and give the fans what they want & deserve-Season 2.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this. For anyone who has not seen Sanditon, please please go check it out. it is available for streaming on Amazon prime. You will not regret it! there is so much more to this story though to be told. The writers, directors and producers did NOT intend it to end like this (have stated this publicly), it was written as a multi-season show! Sign our petition for season 2 please!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for writing and sharing our love of Sanditon… We need at least the second season to give us all a chance to heal!
ReplyDeleteThank you for seeing the beauty of this story and supporting Sanditon!
ReplyDeleteThis just HAS to happen! Period! End of story! A beautiful, loved, and lovingly created work of art like 'Sanditon'cannot be left to languish unfinished. There must be at least one intelligent entity in the universe who can recognize the great financial prospects and potential of continuing this beloved series.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your article about saving Sanditon! We love this show, and cannot wait to finally get our 2nd Season!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Thanks for your support 🙏
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you, THANK YOU 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 we really appreciate you writing this article!!!!! Hopefully we get new petition signers and Sanditon fans. This amazing story deserves to be finished 🥰🥰🥰 #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
ReplyDeleteIt is really awesome series. Your review is fabulous to read. You need satellite dish installation with your TV. It is tough job but a professional technician can to it more precisely.
ReplyDeleteAs I just recently came upon this lovely article I'm rather late with leaving here my heartfelt wish for a second season of Sanditon with a HEA for Sidney and Charlotte. I have never been enroped by something on screen like I am by this series ❤️